
Bringing Moving Music & Visual Art to the Streets

Animals In The Moon On The Lagoon

May 2015

Opera-Matic hosted our 3rd lullaby event around the Humboldt Park Lagoon on the 8th and 9th of May.

This year, we celebrated the animals of the lullabied night -  the wise owls, the calling wolves, the sheep we count, and all the pretty little horses that pull us to sleep. In many parts of the world, people look to the moon, and see animals reflected there.

Lullaby Songs lead by:

Conjunto Maniqua

- Song leaders Charly Barbera and Laura Riebock

The Sing Song Project

- Song leader Stacy Rene

Ami Saraiya & Friends

- Song leader Ami Saraiya

Photos by Kelly Peloza         and Dan Tamarkin

Lullabies and sheet music were provided online and at the event. Feel free to print out a pdf copy of the lullabies here and practice at home with your family and friends! 

In preparation...

Lights and Lullabies Community Practice Workshop!
In preparation for May 8th and 9th, we offered a select number of workshops that explore the lullaby as a means of taking care of ourselves and others.  Intergenerational groups, family groups, and other groups had the opportunity to partake in a special 1 to 1 ½ hour workshop, especially designed to explore as a group how people can comfort and be comforted by being a group together. These workshops were specially designed for the needs of each group but touched on:
    •    Singing, calling, and responding- how the language of song teaches us new ways to communicate.
    •    Moving in lines, circles, and herds - group movement and singing.
    •    Using props - how we use things like flags, puppets, and lights to call attention to ourselves as a group.

Community Singing Public Practice!

Community singing practices were lead by musical groups Conjunto Maniqua, The Sing Song Project, and Ami Saraiya & Friends.

Opera-Matic programming is partially supported by grants from the Illinois Arts Council Agency and CityArts, a program of the Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events. Opera-Matic programs are also made possible through support from the Safe & Peaceful Communities Fund, Night Out in the Parks, and more. Visit our "Support" page for more information. 

This project is supported by a Community Arts Assistance Program grant from the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events and Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.

© 2013 Opera-Matic