Opera-Matic Partnership Highlights:
Opera-Matic has partnered with the Logan Square Neighborhood Association, and organization whose mission is to advance diversity, leader development, and models for engagement as the catalyst for social justice. Opera-Matic has worked with LSNA’s parent mentor program in trust building leadership exercises, as well as holding content development sessions that captured thoughts and memories of a local hero, Eva Calderon. Most recently, this partnership has led to a residency at Mozart Elementary School, where Opera-Matic artists are teaching a variety of subjects in afterschool programs.
Artists and community members created a light up mosaic of Eva Calderon, November 2016
Opera-Matic has partnered with Latin United Community Housing Association, an organization whose mission is to advance housing as a human right by empowering communities- particularly the Latino and Spanish-speaking populations- through advocacy, education, affordable housing development, and comprehensive housing services. In this partnership, Opera-Matic hosted sidewalk celebrations, with LUCHA residents as anchor hosts of playful musical obstacle courses that connected diverse neighborhood residents to each other in gentle shared problem solving efforts.
Opera-Matic artists, LUCHA residents, & neighbors participate in a Sidewalk Celebration, summer 2017
Opera-Matic has partnered with the Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance, an organization whose mission is to change lives through the power of nature. In this partnership, Opera-Matic composed and convened a Sing to the Plants sing-along, where song leaders stationed at spots throughout the conservatory, led visitors in song tours of plants and their unique botanic and cultural stories.
Opera-Matic has partnered with Friends of the Parks, an organization whose mission is to protect, improve, and promote the use of parks and open space in Chicago for the enjoyment of all residents and visitors. In this partnership, Opera-Matic led an Ode to Our Favorite Park effort, facilitating and performing Park Advisory Council members in writing odes and serenades to the parks they steward.
Opera-Matic has partnered with the Adler Planetarium, an organization whose mission is to inspire exploration and understanding of our Universe. In this partnership, Opera-matic composed a participatory re-enactment of the summer triangle star formation, guiding the public in re-enacting the three constellations, and engaging in a call and response sing-a-long of the three star formations, Vega in the constellation Lyra the Harp, Deneb in the constellation Cygnus the Swan, and Altair in the constellation Aquila the Eagle.
Opera-Matic has partnered with the Illinois Arborist Association, whose mission is to foster interest, establish standards, exchange professional ideas and pursue scientific research in Arboriculture. Opera-Matic worked with IAA to foster interest in childrens’ tree climbing by hosting an “obstacle station” at the Joyful Passage Obstacle Course events.
An event goer climbs a tree in Humboldt Park, May 2017
Opera-Matic has also partnered with:
En Las Tablas
Children’s Garden of Hope
West Town Bikes
The Chicago Park District
The Humboldt Park Advisory Council
Sabin Elementary
McAuliffe Elementary
Youth Services Project
Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center
Center for Community Arts Partnership/ Columbia