
Bringing Moving Music & Visual Art to the Streets

A Neighborhood Celebration: The Moon At Mozart!

An Evening of Singing, Parading, and Saying Hello

Mozart Park became a giant shared front lawn with lawn ornaments, campfires, knock knock games, hot cider, and songs. Visitors marked their home on a map, hung notes about home in trees, and paraded with lawn ornaments created by Opera-Matic, Youth Service Project, and public workshops at the Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center and Mozart Park.

Songs were led by Belinda Cervantes, Melinda Cervantes, Beto Defreitas, Zach Duenow, Huu Nguyen, and Ami Saraiya.

Photos by Monica Pedraja

At the end of the evening we formed a group, made shadows in the moon, and walked together with swans and pinwheels lighting the way.

Opera-Matic programming is partially supported by grants from the Illinois Arts Council Agency and CityArts, a program of the Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events. Opera-Matic programs are also made possible through support from the Safe & Peaceful Communities Fund, Night Out in the Parks, and more. Visit our "Support" page for more information. 

This project is supported by a Community Arts Assistance Program grant from the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events and Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.

© 2013 Opera-Matic